Sara Hotchkiss

Even as a five year old I loved fabrics. I loved the feel, the colors, I loved combining different swatches to make patterns. Thanks to my mother’s patient teaching, I began knitting and sewing clothes for my dolls. From there I moved on to my own clothes and furnishings for my room. Grandmother Mimi, an artist and also a patient teacher, let me tag along when she gardened, and together we studied nature’s heady palette. She taught me to observe keenly, to recognize the integral link between color, shape and texture, how each enhanced the others everywhere around me. Here in my sunny studio on the site of an old Maine farm in coastal Waldoboro, I spend my days weaving, designing and sneaking out to the garden when time allows. My colorful, durable rugs leave this small corner of Maine as treasured pieces of art, ready to bring new life to a new room.