Contact Us

We would be thrilled to have you visit our gallery! It's the best way to experience all the artwork we show. One of our core artists is always present and is more than happy to assist you with any inquiries you may have. The vibrant or subtle colors, various sizes, and textures are enhanced when you can engage all of your senses. So why not come by and immerse yourself in the beauty of our gallery? It will be an unforgettable and enriching experience for you.

Sign up for our newsletter. We often feature an artist, introduce you to a new artist, announce a special exhibit and much more. It will arrive in your inbox twice a month and we think you'll enjoy it.

Call us! 207-443-1499 We're available during regular business hours. If we're busy with another customer, leave a message and we'll call you back.

50 Front Street, Bath Maine, 04530